Wine in a Can with Bev - An Affiliate Post

If you’re looking to enjoy a cold beverage while hanging out at the pool this summer, Bev is a tasty treat that's low carb and has no sugar!  Bev is a California-based company that advertises itself as "Made by Chicks & Good Dudes" that can be fun, inclusive, and safe.  Learn more about their amazing company.

Bev Wine Cans

Katie and Kate recently tried and loved California Rose Wine which is a dry wine with a little fizz! Packaged conveniently in cute 8.4 oz cans, these are quick and easy to grab before heading out to the pool or while relaxing in the summer heat. They’re also great for entertaining, making it easy for your friends to just pop one out of the cooler! Don’t forget to bring along ice water too to stay hydrated!

Where Can I Buy Bev?

Many states allow you to order Bev online (if over 21).  Ordering online will allow you access to discounts and create your own variety packs. 

States that DO NOT allow for ordering online include:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arkansas
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • New Jersey
  • Oklahoma
  • Rhode Island
  • Utah

Can't order online?  Check out your local stores to buy four packs (about 1 and 1/3rd bottles of wine) including:


Bev currently has six flavors including Rosé, Blanc, Gris, Noir, Glitz, and Glam.  Follow along with us as we try out the whole product line!

Note: We are affiliate partners with Bev, so by clicking the link and making a purchase, we will make a small commission. It helps keep our business running!

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