The Sota Pod

Release Date: 06-06-2023 08:30

This week’s episode takes us back to Tennessee, as Joel chats with Molly Lamb about the beer scene in Chattanooga! They discuss a variety of topics, such as many of the breweries being close to downtown, ChattBrew Tour, where the city fits into the state’s beer puzzle, and much more!

From Portland, Maine to San Diego, California. Austin, Texas to Duluth, Minnesota. The bright lights of New York City to the farmland of rural Iowa. Brewery Travels plans to run the gauntlet of locations, providing in-depth information on as many places as possible. With episodes coming out weekly on Tuesdays, Brewery Travels is where you can get your fix if you enjoy a craft beer or traveling. Cheers!


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Episode 81: Chattanooga, TN - Feat. Molly Lamb