Two Foot Talk

Release Date: 09-05-2019 06:45

This week Young Leg and Tyler are join by United Guru Nick Hoodie Hood We cover all the top leagues and the action in those respective leagues This was a derby week people we had Tottenham vs Arsenal, Lazio vs Roma, Juventus vs Napoli, and we covered IT ALL Hood helps explain what is going on at United and who the right people to blame are Young Leg continues his raving of the Spanish league and the ridiculous amount of competition that Barca and Real are making for themselves Not to mention Sarris Smoking, Curva Nords comments, last minute transfers,and of course YLs argument of the week CHECK IT ALL OUT AND MORE at TwoFootTalk wwwTwoFootTalkcom wwwtwittercom/twofoottalk wwwtwittercom/shopaaj wwwtwittercom/tybond16 wwwtwittercom/nicksohood SPONSOR Clarity Finances wwwClarityFinancescom Starting a new businessNeed help creating a budget Managing a new businesss finances Finding the best way to do your taxes Need a QuickBooks Specialist Maybe you just want to find a way to help your business save money Clarity Finances is who you want to call with multiple certifications, and QuickBooks expertise Julie covers the entire East coast with financial healing Make sure to reach out for a free consultation when you mention TwoFootTalk Check out her website for the number to call HERES THE KICKER PEOPLE ITS A FREE CALL! Mention TwoFootTalk to get your free call to jump start your business wwwClarityFinancescom