Stadium Scene TV's Main Event

Release Date: 04-27-2020 07:26

You're in for a real treat today as we spent 40 minutes on the phone talking to legendary Cubs radio play by play man Pat Hughes! At the start of the show, Kate and D.J. discuss how this interview came to be, so fast forward to 3:13 if you want to get right to the interview. Once the baseball season starts, Pat will be in his 25th season calling games for the Chicago Cubs. Sit back and listen to this amazing storyteller talk about his humble roots transitioning from college basketball player to announcer and how creativity and hard work gave him one of his first big breaks into big-league announcing. Next, he talks about his experiences working with or down the hall from legends of the game such as Harry Kalas, Bob Uecker, Vin Scully, Harry Caray, and Ron Santo. Then we transition into discussing the 2016 Chicago Cubs season, the nerves behind calling Game 7 of the World Series, being the first Chicago Cubs radio announcer to say "...and the Chicago Cubs win the World Series!" (no radio broadcast in 1908), and being the emcee of one of history's largest gatherings, the World Series Parade! Finally and throughout the show, we talk about how Pat's love for the game and broadcasting led him to create the audio collection called "Baseball Voices". Baseball Voices is both a tribute and historical audio collection to some of the game's greatest announcers. Check it out at!