Stadium Scene TV's Main Event

Release Date: 07-15-2020 06:00

Today we sit down with Kevin Callari (Kev0) from "The Bottom Line Podcast".    

We talk to Kevin about how he started his show originally as a hobby and then realized that this was something he had a passion for.  Kevin also has connections to the NBA players and how he wants to have a good conversation and show that the players are more than just entertainment.  In addition, the conversation deviates to talk about Indiana Pacer T.J. Warren, who Kevin personally knows.  

Finally, stick around to hear Kevin's piece of advice for keeping your podcast going!

Follow Kevin on social media: 

Twitter: @TheBottom_Pod 

Twtitter/Instagram: @TheRealKev_0  

Subscribe to The Bottom Line wherever you download your favorite podcast!  

This video of this episode was released on YouTube, so check that out: