Stadium Scene TV's Main Event

Release Date: 11-25-2020 03:00

Kate and D.J. are joined today by Hutton Jackson, from The Sports Profession.  Hutton was introduced to us by our mutual friend Mark Lawson, The Game Day Tourist (Check out The Game Day Tourist wherever you download your favorite podcasts).    We de-rail the show right away talking about Hutton's current state of residence, New Jersey.  Everything from stereotypes to pumping gas and D.J. shares an experience with trying to pump his own gas in Oregon before he realized that wasn't allowed.  

Once we get back on track, we discuss Hutton's experience with working on MLB Network and the NHL Network, and how his interest in sharing the stories of others who have traveled down the same path could be a great podcast.  The thing that stands out to him is that even people that have "made it" still write their own scripts, film their own material, and other difficult tasks that you still have to do.  

Check out The Sports Profession wherever you download your favorite podcasts and give him a follow on social media:  

As usual, the video for this episode can be found on our YouTube channel.  You know you want to check it out and subscribe so you don't miss an episode...