Stadium Scene TV's Main Event

Release Date: 12-16-2020 03:00

It's our last episode of Ten Minutes With... for 2020.  Not for good!  We're always out to break new records and this week we broke a record by going the longest into a show without actually introducing the guest.  The conversation starts off talking about "pandemic hair".    

Today Kate and D.J. sit down with "TV", host of "TV on Basketball" found on your favorite podcast app or via his YouTube channel.  We get into the details of why he started a podcast, who his favorite NBA team is, and Kate's random, but not so random "What do you think about bubbles?" question without any context.  

Next, we move on to a follow-up discussion about the "Malice at the Palace" and D.J. talks about how he got Reggie Miller to admit on Twitter that he seriously considered coming out of retirement to play with "The Big Three" in Boston.  Before wrapping up the show, Kate breaks out the Space Jam discussion and we discuss how amazing a team of Patrick Ewing, Larry Johnson, Shawn Bradley,  Muggsy Bogues, and Charles Barkley would have been in their primes.  

Subscribe to TV On Basketball wherever you download your favorite podcast and give him a follow:

As usual, the video for this episode was released to our YouTube channel!  Go watch and subscribe!