Stadium Scene TV's Main Event

Release Date: 01-13-2021 03:00

No idea what happened to Kate today, but D.J. sits down for a very entertaining discussion with Brian "Snowman" Snow, host of "Snowman in the Morning" on Facebook Live from 8am-12pm EST Monday-Thursday and as a podcast after the show.  

Brian talks about the unusual way his show started and how having a supportive wife has been huge in developing and keeping the show going.  In our trademarked going off topic discussion, we also discuss the Jordan Vs Lebron greatness debate.  It wasn't much of a debate here, because Snowman and D.J. are on the same side of that argument.     

Subscribe to "Snowman In The Morning" wherever you download your favorite podcast and check out his social media: 

Be sure to check out his Patreon for exclusive content and check out his show 

As usual, the video for this episode can be found on our YouTube channel.  Go watch and subscribe!