Stadium Scene TV's Main Event

Release Date: 02-10-2021 03:00

It's Polar Vortex time again....except for the south.  Kate is freezing, D.J. isn't, so why not have someone from Canada come on the show?  Today we are joined by Ryan Stacey of Hockey Minds Podcast, part of The Hockey Podcast Network.    

Ryan works in the hockey industry and has a strong passion for learning more inside the operations.  During the pandemic, it gave him a chance to reach out to talk to numerous people in the industry from coaches to scouts and front office people for their takes on how they do their jobs.  Later this year, Ryan will be hosting the first-ever "Hockey Minds Conference" where members of the hockey community come together to discuss their craft and all are welcome!  Learn more at!  

Subscribe to Hockey Minds Podcast wherever you download your favorite podcasts and give him a follow on social media:  

As usual, the video with our awesome new intro is available on our YouTube channel!