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Today Kate and D.J. are joined by Tom Greene of the Tom Greene Podcast.  We were introduced to Tom after he abruptly quit his job to bet on himself and follow his dream career in sports/sports broadcasting.  We knew immediately this was a guy we needed to work with and help promote however we could.  
He's currently working on air for a local radio station in Michigan and hosting his podcast to build his portfolio as he chases his dream career.  Tom teaches us more about the Michigan "hand map" and talks about his love for sports and how his interest dates back to middle school.  In addition, he once tried to convince a football player from his high school to go to Michigan instead of Michigan State.  He also talks about his amazing ability to find and network with tv personalities and other celebrities in crowds.  
Oh and Kate again tried to ask the guest what his "spirit dinosaur" was...  
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As usual, the video for this episode can be found on our YouTube channel!